Still no deal? 

This is amazing, isn’t it?  I was reminded in Member Chat this weekend that Eisenhower (a Republican, by the way) once said: “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt, a few other Texas oil millionaires and an occasional politician or business man from other areas.  Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”  Unfortunately, the Stupids are currently holding our Nation hostage and it looks like the very weak-willed Democrats are going to give into their demands.  

Unlike Obama, President Roosevelt was proud to say “Organized money hates me–and I welcome their hatred!”  These days, the Democrats are in the same beds and wrapped up in the same, stained sheets as the Republicans and Banksters and they are all willing to sell the people of this country down the river in exchange for 4 more years at the head table.  A big difference these days is that a Congressman doesn’t need to be in office for life to get rich – Here’s a great list of Democrats and Republicans who have more than doubled their net worth in just 4 years of servicehere’s a good video on the subject.  

These are the Congresspeople who were PAID to look the other way while our economy was destroyed and were PAID to vote for TARP, stimulus and countless other programs that favor their Corporate Masters.  So it is true, trickle-down economics does work – it trickles from the Corporations that make Billions to the Congresspeople who make millions, but that’s about as far as it goes unless you happen to work for the Congresspeople, and then you may be able to pick up some scraps of your own.  

Now they prepare to sell us down the river again, engineering another crisis that should never happen (and there was no reason for BSC or LEH to fail at the time either – NOT giving them Billions cost this country Trilllions AND THEY KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!).  Here we are though, just 3 years later, entertaining the possibility of letting…
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