Yes, a pertinent question and one with far more depth, if you can raise to the challenge, than you may realise. For we are not only dealing with your ability to admit trading mistakes and learn from them, no in the final analysis your entire life view is up for review. That is if you are keen to transform deeply, fully and completely from the inside out and move your entire life to another level of mastery, happiness and success.

One of the few eternal truths is this: There is only one way to transform and that way comes from within. It cannot be found elsewhere, since your life’s circumstances, your trading results, your investment success or lack of it are but a mirror of your inner world. By this I mean the beliefs you hold about yourself and the world you live in.

Most traders, while having a sincere enough desire to improve and make the grade to trading mastery, tend to completely miss the most poignant part that holds the key to mastery:

If you want to truly become great at what you do, you have to be willing to die.

Einstein knew about this. He was a visionary, a creator and fearless in his willingness to admit the falseness of his views. He knew that with your present views and present energetic being you would not move forward. He fully understood that in order to create something new, something truly worthwhile he would have to step out of his present feeling and being tone into a hitherto unknown territory.

In other words, he knew that inevitably the very moment he would access a new awareness the old awarnesses would  be deemed to be wrong in the light of the new consciousness.

This is precisely what is required of you in the process of transforming to greater trading and investment mastery: To the degree that you can give yourself permission to notice that how you see yourself and your world is either totally incorrect or at best only partially correct, you  can step forward into expansion and growth.

Only your ego knows right and wrong

Once we move beyond the conditioned constraints of the ego self a very different world opens up. This is a world of freedom and true growth.  If you can give yourself permission to let the ego be, no not to get rid of it, just to let it be, and step forward from your conditioned self, a new horizon beckons.

The process is sImilar to taking off in an aero plane: Once in the air even the most familiar territory looks very different when you fly over it for the first time and take in the view from “upstairs”. The same is true for the expansion of consciousness. The very first time you glimpse a new reality it is quite awesomely different. The laws that seemed to apply until now somehow are different. This is not to say that they stopped having relevance, or stopped working, but it is to say that they may apply in a different way.

While you are fully immersed in the ego self you can only see the ego self and only function from this perspective. However, once you detach from the ego self and allow yourself the space and detachment a new world opens up. Right and wrong are not definitions of you, rather they are a mere statement of relativity, and as such simply an expression of your level of growth. So, how willing are you to be wrong in order to grow into fullness of mastery you truly are capable of?