“If you are going through hell, keep going.” –Winston Churchill

If you are reading this article then you most probably chose trading as your career. It is the most rewarding business that I can even think of but also it can be one of the most frustrating and challenging jobs you have ever had to do. It is tedious; it requires a lot of discipline, dedication, persistence and ….the word of the day “perseverance” which is undeniably the key to your success and to any trader’s success.

So what is perseverance? If you look it up in the dictionary you would find this definition: “The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.
This is so true when it comes to trading the markets.

Trading is like running a marathon, you first need to know what you will be up against and begin your training program before heading to the start line. It is a journey that starts with small steps, education is amongst the first and most important thing that will offer you the foundation of what you will be about engage into, then getting your feet wet with your first trades and then knowing how to learn from your mistakes. Then learn how to get over setbacks. It is a process and some will say it is a life changing process. Trading is about always learning and knowing how to be in sync with the market and your trades, knowing how to be in the zone and on top of the wave.

Patience and perseverance go hand in hand in trading. To achieve your full potential as a trader it is important to channel your energy to the final goal, the one of mastering the market. With knowledge comes accomplishments and with accomplishments comes confidence and success.
As a trader you must never forget that all these experiences you live in the market every day will make you a better trader and will allow you to grow and accomplish your final goal.

With this said I will end with this quote:

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from,how you can still come out of it.” –Maya Angelou

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Learn more about Metcalf’s trading education firm here.

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