Daniel Kahneman’s contribution to the world of behavioural finance is well documented. Before you completely dismiss me as heretic daring to challenge a man as revered for his achievements as Nobel laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman, I invite you to consider the following point:

Our reality, as has been described for thousands of years by the wisdom traditions and now shown to be correct by Quantum physics attests to the fact that reality as we experience it is not set in stone.  Beliefs drive reality and create reality while what you observe on the outside, like your habitual actions and behaviors, are simply the canvas upon which your reality appears so that you can view it and experience it.

Your reality in 3D form is nothing but a projection.

That’s right: Reality appears to be similar to a life you watch on TV or in the cinema. There is one difference though: You have direct influence on what you view on your (life’s) screen.

And this brings us right to the heart of the matter.

Daniel Kahneman believes that rather than being co-creators of our reality with the universe, we have come to this life with a set of character traits which cannot be significantly altered.

Now, not only does this view contradict the latest findings in quantum physics, it also goes against everything the wisdom traditions have taught us for millennia: Namely, that reality is not fixed, static and set in stone, and therefore very difficult to change.

Actually, the evidence is mounting that exactly the opposite is true.

Quantum physics attest to a universe, which is malleable and in constant flow, a universe where absolutes of time, space do not exist. Rather, the universe is a place of infinite possibilities where events, people and universes show up as holographic expressions, are multi dimensional, and not three dimensional, as most of you who are reading this article probably still believe.

Put differently: Nothing about our reality is set in stone. I discuss the issue in my books, and in greatest detail in my new on-line course: “Advanced Techniques For Trading And Investment Success”.

If Daniel Kahneman, who is more pessimistic than I am, was right about the idea that we are stuck with our character flaws and basically have to shut up and put up, then I wonder how is it possible that many of us have overcome magnificent challenges to go on to become consistently good traders and investors. Oftentimes the changes are so profound that we become someone else when we trade or invest.  

Now, I know from personal experience, the work I have done with other traders, investors and many business people, that we can change in ways many of you will simply not be able to imagine. How can you possibly even try to imagine something you have no concept of as yet? 

In order to become a consistently successful trader, when your account still looks like the image of a roller coaster ride, your mind has not yet created reference points for the feeling of trading success, hence it is not within the realm of your reality.

Does that mean that you cannot become the great trader you aspire to be?

No, of course not. In fact you can become anything you choose to be. If you can accept that your view of yourself and of your world is incorrect, an entirely new vista opens up. Anyone who has experience with the still much criticised and much doubted forms of healing, like energetic NLP, Theta, Access Consciousness, to name a few, can create profound shifts at subatomic DNA level. Granted, while such techniques produce amazing cognitive shifts, they are also a process and do not happen over night for the most part.

In order to trade well, or make consistently sound investment decisions all you have to do is work on your intentions. Setting intentions for a new reality with total congruence is key.  

The “total congruence” piece is what most traders have great difficulty with, since most of us are running subconscious value conflicts, which are deeply imbedded in the brain, and are to a large part stemming from behaviors we have learnt during our times as hunter gatherers. The deeper and longer an old cell memory resides in the mind, body matrix the more challenging it is to get rid off.  

How you can create cognitive shifts at subatomic level?

The answer is to be found in the brain frequencies you operate in. For most of us in the western world this is the beta brain wave. The beta brain waves are what I would term: “Activity brain waves”. Your mind is alert, even excited. It concentrates on hard focus, while the brain waves of learning, healing and fundamental transition are the brainwaves of theta and gamma.

Kahneman said that happiness is a choice you make. The reason why we have issues with happiness, as Kahneman very correctly describes, is to do with our perception and the way our memories work. It would come as no surprise to anyone to learn that happy people are better investors, better traders, have better relationships and are healthier too.

While I am certainly not promising one day wonders of total change, what I am saying is this: When we identify an anchor which keeps us in a negative feed back loop, like a series of losses in our trading account, we can change the thoughts and feelings behind the beliefs that are causing the anxieties and fears triggered by the observation.  Changing and re aligning the cell memory behind an experience that created a limiting belief which locks in habitual, deeply imbedded patterns, is the place from which you can transform your (trading) reality.

You can learn how to do this yourself with a little application and persistence. If you are willing to go down this route you will experience transformation in ways you cannot imagine right now.

Why on earth wouldn’t you want to do this? Frankly there is only one reason why you might decline the chance at a better (trading)life: The reason is your comfort zone. Habits are like comfortable, old shoes.

 We are so immersed in them that changing a habit appears too much effort to contemplate. This need not be so though, provided you use the right tools for the job. Discover how reality really works and learn to think in a different frequency. When you are in the theta brain waves your mind is connected, creative and you experience a sense of harmony and well being. If this isn’t enough reason to give the new paradigm a go, I don’t know what is.