Every work day, I read the news, watch the market, write what I write, and I generally do it with a dispassionate, objective view. Some days, though, my dispassionate view is challenged, but I get past it. Other days, such as yesterday, I read about an action so cold, I cannot put my compassion away; I cannot look the other way. My objectivity goes out the window and I just want to scream.

The world is full of stupid people willingly killing other willingly stupid people for stupid, unfathomable reasons. I accept that. Stupid grownups willingly choosing to go to war is a choice that stupid people make.

Outside of war, stupid grownups willingly killing innocent grownups sickens me; it does move my compassion, yet, somehow, I manage to get past it. I manage to block it out and move on.

But when it comes to stupid, no, cold, heartless vermin, willingly with malice and intent killing innocent school children to push their religious/political ideology, I can’t look away. I am forced to accept and then deal with my emotions around the reality that the world contains evil people, genetically-malformed people lacking any sense of decency, any sense of morality, any sense of honor, any sense of compassion, any sense of love, and sense at all. The world contains vermin who believe the evil they commit serves their god.

  • Taliban go on killing spree at Pakistan school, 132 students dead.

I am not a person committed to any religious ideology. Simply, I believe that we all should just behave with respect and love toward one another as best we can. We should also expect that in return.  I am, however, quite familiar with the major religions of the world, and, in the big three prominent in the western and middle-eastern worlds, Satan, the darkest of dark beings, plays a prominent role.

In fact, Satan is the anti-hero, the dark side of light, the worst of all we can imagine. What these vermin did to those school children in Pakistan is not unspeakable; it is simply and purely evil. It is pure evil they perpetrate. The act they committed, and all others like it, honors Satan, and we should not only speak of this as that, we, the world – world leaders and common folk alike – should be screaming, “We are mad as hell, and are not going to take it anymore!”

Truthfully, as I sit here in my beautiful home, protected as I am from most of the horror in the world, I realize there is little, precious little I can do to rid the world of evil vermin who believe innocent children are targets in their bloody quest. Apparently, there is precious little the world can do to rid itself of this evil scourge.

I also see the reality there is nothing I can do for the innocent, lost lives of kids just going to school, or the parents of those innocents who simply sent their children off to school and then went about their day, just as they always do. This saddens me deeply.

As long as evil people in their ivory towers, going to their cocktail parties, fine dinners, and powerful political events support the evil killers with money and bullets, lots of money and lots of bullets, evil will flourish. As long as those people can send their privileged children to school each day without worry, well, then, the evil will continue to flourish.

As long as people, ordinary people like you and I, do not speak truth to power about the horror of murdering innocent children, then politicians of the world will keep allowing weapons manufacturers to keep manufacturing weapons that kill our children in school in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Newtown Connecticut, and over 100 schools in the USA in the past two years alone.

  • The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) measures annual military spending for most of the world’s armed countries. According to SIPRI, the U.S. spent $618 billion on its military last year, more than three times the $171 billion budget of second place China.

All told, the world spends close to $1.8 trillion annually (just under 3% of global GDP) on military-grade weapons, and many of those find their way into the hands of stupid, evil people who believe killing innocent school children is okay. It makes me want to scream.

I don’t have anything to say about the market today.

Trade in the day; invest in your life …

Trader Ed