Hey traders! How are you?! It’s another beautiful season of stock market trading and weather (especially here in Nashville, TN.) I just got back from Denver, CO where I met with some other fantastic traders. One young gentleman in particular, Garrison, was a passionate and spirited individual! Turns out we had had something else in common! He enjoys boxing as a hobby. (I’ve been interested in the sport since the age of 10). We shared some stories and immediately the comparisons between boxing and trading began to emerge.

Here are the 7 things we comprised whilst eating appetizers, sipping on beverages and enjoying hearty laughs with other Real Life Traders that blissful Sunday afternoon.


  1. It takes endurance
  2. It’s not about winning, it’s about not losing
  3. You will get hit
  4. Protect yourself
  5. It’s a great idea to train with a mentor or coach
  6. Don’t get emotional
  7. People will think you’re a tad weird
  8. It takes you out of your comfort zone


I’m sure many of you likely have zero interest in trying out boxing. My thought is; why not? It might bring out that wild, spirited, spontaneous spirit that might have went dormant back when you were a child. Remember when you danced like no one was watching? You were the smiling happy kid on the wooden dance floor at the wedding, spinning and kicking to the Tunes of Elvis or Michael Jacksons’ Beat it.

 Definitely a large take away and the “Ah Ha” moment I had, was realizing that in trading we do have to be aggressive. We have to have that killer mentality. Eat or be eaten. But we also have to recognize that boxers are not in the ring full time. They understand that there are appropriate times to box. They come in, they do their work and leave. As traders, we must remember there will be times where we shouldn’t trade. If the trade isn’t there, be patient. Wait for the perfect, pre-determined time to strike.

Thanks again for reading my friends! If you have any interest in following my trade ideas, click here to watch this quick video to find out how!