Many people were surprised at Trump’s victory, yet anyone who knows a bit about cycles shouldn’t have been surprised as the big picture is all about massive paradigm shifts wherever one looks.

Trump’s victory is the outward manifestation of big changes coming our way, not just in America but in the world at large.

For years now the world of investing and trading has been undergoing changes, many of which are not known to the public. These changes will affect all of us at some point and will have implications on how you handle you investments in the coming years, even decades.

It is not all bad news though.

True, the banking system has been creaking under the strain of an outdated structure for the last two decades and is in desperate need of a major overhaul. The entire investment and trading environment, not just the banking system, needs to renew itself. The strict regulations that have come in since the crash of 2008 which have stopped the banks from trading their own money under certain circumstances, thus preventing possible conflicts of interest, are testimony to a changing environment which is shifting the balance of power away from the banks more into the arena of private investors and entrepreneurs.

When one door closes, another one opens. This is what has happened and is happening today in the financial sector.

This shift gets seldom talked about, since everyone is busy casting nasturtiums on the “crooked bankers”.  While the people/ sheeple are busy shouting “boo” with the help of the media, the more aware players who have their fingers on the market pulse and have access to the inner workings of the trading desks can see opportunities emerging which in my opinion will expand and grow exponentially in the new Trump era. Undoubtedly we will see more support for the efforts of the individual and start moving away from big power as being the only power. The investment sector will regain a sense of creativity within a well structured fairer framework for players to engage in for the benefit of many.

When government power gets too strong it becomes oppressive, something we have witnessed across the board, not just in the financial industry.  There are always those who cannot see the wood for the trees and are happy to go along with the crumps on offer as they are lulled into a false sense of security.  The money is never in the popular trade, every well seasoned trader, investor or entrepreneur knows that. This will become more true than ever before.

Even the unwitting pawns of the system will be forced to re-think their positions. The coming shift is that big that it will sweep everyone along in their wake.

When the wind of change blows it affects everything, there is no escape and those who recognise it and align accordingly will benefit handsomely. 

The entire financial system needs to re-invent itself in response to changing ideas of how we see ourselves and the world we live in. The financial system that will evolve must reflect our desire to live in peace, harmony and co-operation where the financial system plays a role to support expansion growth and co-creation across the board.

This is the change Trump will be ushering in. A new form of Camelot, more mature, wiser, built on experience and appearing at a time when the general consciousness is ready.

The financial system will change to reflect these paradigm shift. It has to since financial structures are the bedrock of our existence. You simply cannot get away from that fact.

It is our responsibility as individuals to help create a new financial system and evolve new trading forms, some of which are already available to people with larger amounts of money.

As the system re-generates itself these opportunities will move more and more into the reach of the wider investor audience.

Money is free, it is not scarce. Alas we need to be able to make this huge paradigm shift and believe this truth in order to make it our reality.

It always comes down to the same old thing: When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Get ready and keep your eyes open.