Slow and steady wins the race!

We had a big run and capped our gains a litle early for the week by doubling up on our PSQ (short Nasdaq) calls on Thursday’s mad run. This did the job of locking in our profits but that hedge is now making up $450 of losses, which is 1/3 of all our losses for the month. Still we managed to gain $396 for the weekwith still just $28,537 in positions so that’s another 1% for the week, a pretty good clip

I am happy to say that our $100K Portfliois now live and availableon at:
We’re actually well ahead of our cash goal as we also have $86,101 in cash along with our $28,537 in positions with $13,768 in margin devotedto someof the longer hedges we’ve sold. That leaves us with $147,935 in margin buying power and we’re going to use it to do a few “stupid option tricks” into expirations that should pick us upa little extra cash over the next 5 days and Wednesday or Friday we must expect to make our rolling moves for the current month and I’ll be sending out Alerts to Members later in the week. For now, we are very happy with all of our current positions as we have 16 winners and just 7 losers – that’s very good for a well-hedged portfolio