…in life, but I’d like to add a third. Death and taxes are the familiar ones to everybody, but it seems like there is a strong case to add inflationto that short list of certainties in life. With the unprecedented (in my opinion immoral) money printing going on within the Fed, it’s likely that we’ll see massive amounts of inflation with the possibility of hyperinflation down the road. I read somewhere that the US Government is now the largest ponzi scheme in history, and I’m starting to get on board with that concept.

While I haven’t had the time to go over specific charts, I believe that a smart trade from here on out if getting long oil and gold as they are really tipping their had as to which way they’re going to move here. The immediate questions is whether to just buy now in an attempt to establish a position or wait for a pullback that may never come and risk missing the boat. I’ll be devoting some time later tonight to going over some charts and should I find anything worth mentioning I’ll do a quick post.