
Bespoke Investment Group has just conducted a roundtable on the outlook for the economy and financial markets by surveying opinions from individuals that run “the best financial blogs and websites”. As the writer of the Investment Postcards blog, I am honored to have been included on the list of 12 roundtable participants.

Each participant was asked to respond to the same 25 questions regarding their 2010 outlook as well as their take on 2009.

To start off the roundtable, Bespoke created a matrix highlighting prognostications for various asset classes in 2010. Not all participants took part in this section of the Q&A, but the ones that did are included in the matrix below. As shown, the majority view is that the S&P 500 will be up in 2010, bonds will be down, oil will be up, the dollar will be up, US home prices will be up and China’s stock market will be up. The projection for gold was split.


Please click here to view the 2010 Bespoke Roundtable. (And click here to learn more about Bespoke.)

Source: Bespoke, December 24, 2009.

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