Sen. Dick Durbin, on a local Chicago radio station this week, blurted out an obvious truth about Congress that, despite being blindingly obvious, is rarely spoken: “And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.”

Goldman Sachs’ new top lobbyist was recently the top staffer to Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., on the House Financial Services Committee chaired by Frank. Michael Paese, a registered lobbyist for the Securities Industries and Financial Markets Association since he left Frank’s committee in September, will join Goldman as director of government affairs, a role held last year by former Tom Daschle intimate, Mark Patterson, now the chief of staff at the Treasury Department. This is not Paese’s first swing through the Wall Street-Congress revolving door: he previously worked at JP Morgan and Mercantile Bankshares, and in between served as senior minority counsel at the Financial Services Committee.

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Corn Jul X 1,425 0.00
Soybeans Nov Buy 10160 Stp Lmt 10170 625 0.00
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Gold Oct Buy 94240 Ob Lmt 94100 4,400 0.00
Silver Sep Buy 14435 Stp Lmt 14450 7,375 0.00
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Cotton Dec Buy 59720 Stp Lmt 59740 1,950 0.00
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Eur Curncy Sep X 590 0.00
Here is an almost complete new start 162.50