The Italians think Goldman runs their country. They’ve got the top three posts in Rome…Premier Romano Prodi is an ex-Goldman guy. So is the headman at the Treasury. And the chief of the central bank, too. America is also over run with Goldmanites.

If you can’t get my trades here goto Password is “DTrades”

Name Month Direction Entry CurVal CurStp Prev Trade Cur Trade
Wheat Dec X 38 0.00
Corn Dec X 1,425 0.00
Soybeans Nov L 93400 103000 96000 1,575 4800.00
Meal Dec X 880 0.00
Bean Oil Dec Buy 38860 Stp Lmt 38880 522 0.00
Oats Dec X 537 0.00
Live Cattle Aug X 74 0.00
Sugar #11 Oct X 2,005 0.00
Gold Oct L 95760 96150 93700 0 390.00
Silver Sep L 14250 14645 13880 1,625 1975.00
Copper Sep L 23000 27520 24900 428 1130.00
Platinum Oct L 11760 12634 11770 62 437.00
Cotton Dec X 0 0.00
Eurodollars Sep L 99260 99510 99500 1,100 625.00
Live Hogs Aug X 1,390 0.00
Japan Yen Sep Buy 10585 10585 10587 151 0.00
Eur Curncy Sep L 14217 14343 14170 590 157.50