Q: My book shelves and laptop are full of trading information, e-books, and past courses on DVD and hard copy formats. However, Im still not a profitable trader.  I believe I’ve put the hours in and have tried several strategies and techniques with little success. Which of your products would you recommend to enable me to pull this stuff together and fill in the obvious gaps in my trading abilities?

A: What you work on is more important than how much work you do. I recommend that everyone entering my Super Trader program spend their first year or more working on themselves and even suspend trading until they’ve completed the following home study course and workshops:

                + Peak Performance Home Study Course
                + Peak 101 Workshop
                + Peak 202 Workshop
                + Peak 203 Workshop

After the self-work, I ask that they develop a business plan using the processes from the following workshop and CD series:

                + Blueprint Workshop
                + Business Plan CDs

With a business plan complete, I then request that they develop three systems that meet the following criteria:

               1. Fit the big picture.
               2. Fit them and their beliefs.

Finally, they need to be able to document trading their systems at 95% efficiency or better.