Many traders did not feel so good when the gold price finally dropped over 40 points on Tuesday.

I am not going to harp on about that I warned you about this a while ago, rather let’s take the opportunity to remind ourselves of one of the core values most of us are missing.

I am talking about judgement.

If you got stopped out on the big down move in gold what did you make that say about yourself or about the markets?

Did your inner stories running like this?

“I screwed up again. I should have had my stops tighter. I should have known better than being long. This market always goes against me. I can never get it right. If only I had…”

It is tragic how we keep falling pray to the inner voice that doesn’t have our best interest at heart, is hardwired to keep you from changing in the name of misguided “safety”.

In other words, while you are the victim of your mind chatter you will keep reacting to this kind of self flagellation, often without your conscious knowledge.

It is hard to change, because it often means changing the habits of a lifetime.

We look and work on the outside not on the inner game, completely missing the point that all reality is created inside before it appears in three D form in your life.

Learning to feel good makes it easier to pull yourself consciously out of the reaction to circumstances before your emotions run away with you like a freight train without brakes.

Feeling good is the key that unlocks the door to greater harmony, improved well being and of course better trading.

How do you get there when the world around you sucks?

If you start your day consciously tuning into feeling calm and in harmony with your world your brain will adopt this behaviour over time. You can help yourself greatly with meditation aids that harmonize the brain.

Much of my work focuses on creating harmony in our environment. This lead to the development of the 2nd generation Brain Harmonizing pyramids.

These powerful pyramids fulfil a dual function: You can use them to harmonize the brain, placing them on your forehead and you can also place them in your work space to improve energy frequency in your environment freeing it from electro magnetic fields that wreak havoc with your mind and your body in the long run.

Creating the mental and physical environment that eases strain on your body makes it easier to change old habits.

When mind and body are exposed to the healing frequencies of 8 -12 hz body and mind automatically relax and go in expansion mode. Friction and resistance are reduced because you are in an environment that is in alignment with the natural frequencies of the earth.

Reactions to outside circumstances increase friction. When exposed to a harmonious environment body and mind will over time hold the harmonious vibration for longer and longer periods until at some point the energy becomes your natural state of being no matter what goes on around you. Imagine how your life would improve if you could be in harmony, no matter what.