Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. (OTC:ACTC) stood still yesterday. While trading volume of the stock kept rising up, its price ACTC_chart_7.pngchange remained zero. What can make ACT climb up again?

As traders on the message board claimed, the stock needs some more news not to collapse. The investors pointed out that they “don’t like leaving their money sitting in a position gathering dust” and need something to indicate a bullish trend for ACT. Otherwise, the stock may get the way down again.

In fact, market position of ACT didn’t appear stable over the past days and it is interesting to see where the stock will go now. Usually, Advanced Cell Technology has supported its market position by positive news, though the last one didn’t bring much success to the stock. Most probably, investors got tired of optimistic announcements and stock promotions over the past months, so they are not working efficiently anymore.[BANNER]

ACTC_logo.pngBesides, the company’s financials are still quite bothering. Despite its recently eliminated debt and new material agreements, by end-September, 2010 the company’s liabilities were more than six times higher than its total assets and the operating loss was not covered. In their 10-Q report, the management of ACT claimed that if they continue to suffer losses as in the past, investors may not receive any return on their investment.

Not long ago, the company stated that this year will be stronger than ever. However, the final results depend mainly on the outcome of their clinical trials, which are not yet clear.