9OREO_chart.gifAmerican Liberty Petroleum Corp. (OTC:OREO) was promoted back in November and that gave it its volume price highs. Now it seems few traders are interested, and it may be the time for the next promotional effort.

OREO has closed a lot of sessions at $1. Friday was just one of those days. The volume of 3 thousand shares was higher than recent levels.

Last Monday the company announced it had added a lease to its project portfolio, but there was virtually no market response. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons for someone to pay for another promotional wave.[BANNER]

A number of promotional newsletters are touting OREO stock for today. Compensations range from $10 thousand to $25 thousand. Last time promotions helped, albeit for a few days only.

0OREO_logo.jpgThe recently filed 10-K doesn’t provide anything sensational. It’s possible the promotions push OREO up, although unless the company comes up with something substantial a market valuation above the current $104 million will hardly last.