The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation has been selected as the April Charity of the Month. The mission of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation is to provide the Diabetes Research Institute with the funding necessary to cure diabetes now. For the millions of families already affected by diabetes, the Diabetes Research Institute is the best hope for a cure.


TraderPlanet members have the ability to donate to this great cause by using the Mendels that they earn on TraderPlanet. Each member has an opportunity to earn Mendels through their positive participation in the community. If you have not accrued enough Mendels to donate to the Charity of the Month, you can also purchase Mendels in the TraderPlanet store.


In addition to the contributions that are collected by member donations, TraderPlanet is also donating a $10,000 VantagePoint Software package for the silent auction to the D.R.E.a.M.S in the City event in which proceeds go to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation.


We encourage you to put your trading knowledge to good use.If you would like to start posting commentary, articles, videos or other educational content on TraderPlanet to earn Mendels to donate to the Charity of the Month, send us an email.