Those of you have been reading me for more than a day can probably recall my penchant for justice in the world of finance. More specifically, I have suggested more than once that those who brought us the Great Collapse of 2008 should be held accountable in one manner or form. Even though it has yet to happen, it might still be in the cards for something it to happen. A man can dream, right? Okay, so let me dream …

  • U.S. federal prosecutors are considering a new strategy for criminally charging Wall Street bankers who packaged and sold bad mortgage loans at the height of the housing bubble

The market is liking the world these days, at least it hitting more record highs suggests that anyway. I don’t really know what to say about that, other than what I have been saying, which is the market sees the long-term view (mostly) and it likes what it sees. Since I have little to say about the market, then how about we jump out to something quite different, something that may or may not have a bearing on a specific market.

  • Researchers at Microsoft have released software aimed at making it easier for homes to be monitored, automated, and controlled using computers and the Internet. It also paves the way for developers to create apps that can be “installed” into homes with numerous different devices to make use of them in new ways.

Even though it sometimes seems counterintuitive, technology can make our lives easier. Microsoft might be on to something here in this regard.

  • The new software from Microsoft, called Lab of Things, provides a centralized virtual dashboard for monitoring and controlling different “smart home” devices. It also provides standards for building “apps” for homes with the Lab of Things software installed.

The idea for the software is a good one, but the concept from which it derives points to the sci-fi future we all know so well, the one we first learned about with the Jetson family way back in the last century.

  • Lab of Things is named for the phrase Internet of Things, which refers to the idea that inanimate objects and devices will begin to cooperate using the Internet. The project builds on an earlier Microsoft Research software package called HomeOS, which was used by outside researchers in projects including ones that allowed gesture control of home appliances, and for mobile apps to configure home automation devices.

Well, the market is not only holding up, but it is moving strongly up to more record highs. As I said, I don’t know what to say about that other than what I have said, which is that we should believe in the market’s view of the future, at least the long-term future anyway.

Trade in the day; Invest in your life …

Trader Ed