Today’s tickers: XLE, PFE, FRE, GLD, DELL, WLP, LMT & FNM

XLE-Shares of the energy fund are up more than 1% to $52.92. We observed near-term bearishness and medium-term bullishness displayed through options on the ETF today. A ratio put spread initiated in the September contract indicates near-term pessimism by some traders. The transaction involved the purchase of 2,500 puts at the September 52 strike for 1.69 apiece spread against the sale of 5,000 puts at the lower September 48 strike for 55 cents each. The net cost of the trade amounts to 59 cents and yields maximum potential profits to the downside of 3.41 if shares fall to $48.00 by expiration. Bullish sentiment was seen at the December 57 strike where 2,100 calls were coveted for 2.00 apiece. An 11.5% rally in shares to the breakeven price of $59.00 will allow this optimistic energy player to begin to amass profits by expiration in December. – Energy Select Sector SPDR ETF –

PFEA– Short straddle initiated in the pharmaceutical company’s January 2011 contract today suggests far-term bullish sentiment on the stock. Shares of PFE are currently higher by approximately 0.5% to $16.71. The straddle was enacted at the January 20 strike where 15,000 calls were shed for 1.12 apiece and 15,000 puts sold for 4.90 per contract. The gross premium on the transaction amounts to 6.02, and will be fully retained by the straddle-seller if shares settle at $20.00 by expiration. Over the next sixteen months shares must rally about 20% for the trader to bank the full 6.02 premium. If the stock fails to center at $20.00, the investor’s premium will erode down to zero if shares move sufficiently in either direction. Once the entire premium has evaporated, the trader will begin to accrue losses above the breakeven point to the upside at $26.02 or beneath the breakeven point to the downside at $13.98. We note that Pfizer has not traded above $20.00 since May 20, 2008. Nearer-term trades indicate that investors may be bracing for declines in the stock. The October 16 strike price had 4,100 puts picked up for 43 cents apiece while the higher December 17 strike had about 2,400 puts purchased at 1.34 per contract. – Pfizer, Inc. –

FRE– Investors were observed making bullish bets on Freddie today as shares soared higher than 30% at times to a maximum of $2.34. Shares are currently up 23% to…
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