From Wikipedia,

“Worry dolls (Spanish: Muñecas quitapenas, “Dolls [that] remove worries”)[1], or trouble dolls, are very small and colorful dolls traditionally made in Guatemala.[2] A person (usually a child) who cannot sleep due to worrying can express their worries to a doll and place it under their pillow before going to sleep…. According to folklore, the doll is thought to worry in the person’s place, thereby permitting the person to sleep peacefully. The person will wake up without their worries, which have been taken away by the dolls during the night.”

Here is a summary top-of-mind list of issues the markets will continue to face in the days ahead from our nightly newsletter:
  1. US Terrorism Plots
  2. Euro-Zone Sovereign Debt Contagion
  3. Jobs Growth Uncertainties
  4. Major Oil Spill Economic & Environmental Impacts
  5. Proposed Financial Sector Reforms
  6. Goldman Sachs Civil & Criminal Fraud Charges
  7. Selectively High Valuation Multiples
  8. Withdrawal of Chinese Stimulus
  9. Apple Anti-Trust Inquiry
  10. Volcanic Ash
  11. Australian Commodities Tax

Has the market lost its ability to sleep on it and move relentlessly higher? That’s quite a list, we’ll see soon enough.