Today we have a special treat for those of you who are quick to act: closed beta testing for comment reply by email. Check out this video to see how it works, and to hear about another upcoming goody:
Comment reply by email makes replying to comments super-easy. Just enable e-mail notifications for comments as you normally would under Settings > Discussion.
Then, instead of clicking back to your dashboard, you can reply to the comment straight from e-mail. When you click reply, a special WordPress e-mail address will appear in the Sender line, matching your reply to the proper comment thread. Send it off, and your reply is up on your blog in seconds.
But you can’t check it out unless you’re part of the closed beta, so be sure to sign up if you want to check it out!
To sign up, leave a comment on this post. Signups are per blog — not per user — so make sure that your profile contains a link to the blog you’d like to test it out on. Check out these instructions on how to link your name to your blog.
Signups for the closed beta will close at 6 p.m. PST (UTC-8) tomorrow, Friday, October 24.
UPDATE 10/24: Comments are now CLOSED. To those who responded: Enjoy the beta!