August 23, 2012

This trade setup is merely a random sample of the day’s trades generated by COT Signals. To track our work their and receive all of our nightly trading recommendations.

This morning we have a buy signal in the 30yr Bond futures. Commercial traders were major buyers coming off of the March lows and finally started to shed their positions as the market climbed above 148. Their selling patter became quite clear as the market stalled between May and June before finally selling off in July and August. Commercial traders are now actively re-purchasing contracts.

This also ties in with the sell signal we posted yesterday in the Dow futures. We expect bond futures to rally as money finds its way into safe havens in anticipation of an equity sell off. Finally, the Federal Reserve Board minutes seem to be pointing towards QE3. This will further depress yields and lead to greater price gains in the futures.

We will buy bonds and place a protective stop below the swing low at 145^08.

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