CYBLD_price_chart.jpgYesterday was the second in row awaking of Cyberlux Corporation (OTC:CYBLD) stock for the last few months.

The Sleeping Beauty rose 2.04% in a modest volume of 4.6M shares traded, thanks to the lifeblood of the prince’s kiss. The nobleman, who made the miracle happen, is widely known as “shorters”.

The happy end of this tale began on Wednesday, when for the first time since months CYBLD stock actually closed the market not only with volume, but also with a price change.

After such a long time of bidding with no price changes, it almost didn’t matter whether the share price will go up or down.

Fortunately, CYBLD stock “jumped” 4.8% up in almost 5M volume traded, while the average for CYBL stock is 45.48M.

There were no significant events announced by the company these days.

Even the latest SEC filing of CYBLD is from the middle of the month. It was filed to report the fact, that a reporting person has ceased to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of CYBLD securities.

CYBL_from_the_site.pngIn addition to the above mentioned prince’s kiss, some stock alerts also made their input to CYBLD stock rush.

During the last two trading sessions, the shorted volume increased. Being 51.59% of the total volume traded this Wednesday, yesterday its share was 52.01%.[BANNER]

For those interested in the company’s fundamentals, it is good to present some information about CYBLD’s first quarter results. CYBLD reports:

  • Total assets of $122K
  • No long-term liabilities
  • Total liabilities of $13,5M.

As of end of March the company had accumulated losses of $34,2M.