As of now it looks like we will kick off September to a positive start, but it is very early yet and a lot can change by market open, and month end. September is not historically a great month for the bulls, however when September is positive the DOW trades higher by an average of 3.1%. As of now the futures are currently up across the board with the S&P 500 up 3.1 points, NASDAQ 100 up 5.25 points, and the Dow Jones futures up 27 points. I am expecting a sell off to start this month and the volatility to rise. I am hedged with longer dated October 30 strike VIX call options. I will look to add to my position if the market continues to rise and the VIX trades lower, as I’ve stated several times; a minor sell off in the stock market could cause these VIX options to be very profitable due to the large amounts of implied volatility on the VIX. Happy trading readers, hope September will be even more profitable than August!