by DeWayne Reeves

Markets declined across the board today on weakness abroad, earnings season at home and a US Presidential Debate that left many voters still undecided with only 2 weeks until we head to the polls.

Emini Trading Update

What would have gone out last week as a TWEET, went out instead as a CFRN Partner Swing Trade. If you’ve been following the blog and the show, you know I went kicking and screaming. However, today as I sat behind closed doors I was asked a critical question –

“What is CFRN’s Educational Mission Statement as you originally defined it?”

I stroked the stubble on my chinny-chin-chin, and quoted it verbatim:

“To equip and train believers around the world to become traders
for the purpose of accomplishing God’s call on their life.
To recognize that not all men are called to become traders.
To steward those placed in our path with love and grace.”

I yawned (as I do) and was informed that I was in violation of my own mission statement. What? Me? How?

I was given the obligatory rap on the ankles with a staff and just like Luke, I got my mind right, at least for the moment.

Giving away trades is like passing out a cheat sheet in high school. It doesn’t foster much of a learning environment. Let’s face it, as long as you can piggyback on our trades and hitchhike on Grandma’s prayers, you probably won’t bother to learn how to do either. Now I’ll never suggest to Granny that she stop praying for you, and I have to make peace with the fact that I signed on to teach, not be your Emini Santa Claus.

We really want to teach you how to trade. When I got started I could find no one, at any price, who would actually teach me how to trade. I found a few charlatans but no real teachers. Eventually I stumbled onto a couple of guys who were willing to throw me a life preserver. I was willing to pay them, but I couldn’t afford to pay them as much as they made trading. So I struggled…, but by the grace of God I persevered. The good news is, you don’t have to settle for snake oil or charlatans. You can simply roll up your sleeves, go to work and we’ll teach you the business of trading.

I hope you got that. It’s not about calling highs or lows or the next big move, it’s about building a business that can support you, your family, your hopes, your dreams and the call on your life. Our last Tweet dropped 53 ES Points.

(ES) S&P 500 Emini Fuures

Today’s Swing Trade which marked our shift, was good for 9.5 points. We’re still live so as they say “It ain’t over till it’s over”. You’ve heard us preach for years that 2 points a day can be a very nice living. This Swing Trade was almost a Week’s Work in just a few hours.

If you’re new to trading, we want to help. If you’ve been around the block a time or two and are firmly convinced you already know everything there is to know about trading, we’ll tolerate you too. We don’t discriminate. Seriously… just on the chance we might learn something from you – Take the FREE TRIAL!

As opportunities unfold we will keep you posted.

Trading’s Not Easy – But It Can Be Simple!