During the new edition of its presentation “Outlook for Energy: A View to 2030,” ExxonMobil Corporation (XOM) stated that trillions of dollars of investment is required to cope with a 35% increase in energy demand by 2030.
While oil, natural gas and coal will continue to meet most of the world’s needs, the company emphasized natural gas as a major source of energy, reflecting its abundance, versatility and economic advantages as an efficient and clean-burning fuel for power generation.
The company forecasts an expansion of natural gas from unconventional supplies. Unconventional gas supplies – tapped through horizontal drilling and fracturing wells – are expected to satisfy more than 50% of gas demand by 2030.
Higher costs for carbon emission would impact energy prices and provide an incentive to switch to less carbon-intensive fuels such as natural gas, which can help meet growing electricity demand and help reduce power generation emissions by up to 60% versus coal, ExxonMobil said.
With a growing world population, alternative energy will also play an important role. Exxon expects wind, solar and biofuels to grow by about 10% a year through 2030 and comprise a 2.5% share of total energy by 2030. The company has raised it from the previous years’ guidance of 2.1%.
Exxon has been actively involved in the development of alternative energy. The company stated that it will invest $600 million over the next 5 to 6 years for algae-based biofuels and hinted the final development could cost billions. It will be the world’s largest biofuel development project of its kind.
Read the full analyst report on “XOM”
Zacks Investment Research