If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” – The Cheshire Cat

I like to sit with my daugthers (8 & 10) on the couch and look at news pictures on my laptop – it’s a good way of getting them involved with the day’s events, teaching them about my job and teaching them about the world (albeit from my twisted perspective).  The USA Today is exelent for this as is Reuters and the NY Times.  As CSNY said:

Teach your children well and feed them on your dreams…

Can’t you see you must be free to teach your children what you believe in, to make a world that we can live in? 

Since they are kids, I often simplify what’s happening so we have a general classification of “protestors” to explain why the army or police are attacking people with no guns.  Yesterday, my 8-year old had a “eureka” moment when she said to me “Why is everyone around the World protesting – it is because of the bad economy?”  Well, she pretty much nailed it, didn’t she?  As I’ve been warning for years, the poor (all of the bottom 90% at this point) have been pushed to the edge and they are now starting to push back – so much so that it’s obvious to an 8-year old that we are on the verge of a global revolution…

That led to a little photo project we did togeher, where I also got to teach my daughters one of my favorite songs: “We won’t get fooled again!”  As our great and powerful leader once said: “Fool me once, shame on, shame on you.  Fool me ya can’t get fooled again.”  That pretty much sums up my attitude on the markets right now – we cashed out at the top and, until we see some pretty DEFINITIVE proof that it was not a top, we’ll be sticking to mainly cash, thank you very much!  While Alice’s Red Queen may have said “Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast,” we’re having a little trouble swallowing what’s being dished out by our government and the MSM.  Richard Davis’s article on the lagging GDP is one example, as are many of the fine articles in our Phil’s Favorites section.