EURUSD closed @ 14585 which was ABOVE the open and was within prior day’s trading range. The High was PRECISELY at Precise Trader’s Res Tgt 1 and the Low was PRECISELY at Precise Trader’s Sup Tgt 1. The Hourly Oscillators are Bullish but Weak and the price is Above the MA, so CAUTIOUS approach is needed for the Bulls. Hourly Trend is Sideways Up while 14505 holds and Daily Trend is Up while 14390 holds, so expect the price to be Choppy with a Upside bias. The Price is trading Above Monthly , Weekly open and closed near the Res Zone 1 .The price on the Hourly is within Range and expect the market breakout higher but the high may be limited to 14710-75 level , on the 5 min is Choppy but the bulls are gaining strength during Asian session .The price should not trade below 14525-05 inorder to maintain the bullish outlook. Conservative traders should look to be Sidelined or strictly trade only at Precise Traders Report levels. Aggressive traders look to do the same or LONG Cautiously on the break of 14620 with 14665-14710 as potential price targets.


GBPUSD closed @ 16655 which was ABOVE the open and breached the previous day’s high. The High was 15 pips from Precise Trader’s Res Zone 5 (U Turn Zone) and the Low was 5 pips from Precise Trader’s Sup Tgt 1. The Hourly Oscillators are Bullish and the price is Above the MA, so the Bears have to be sidelined. Hourly Trend is Sideways Up while 16555 holds and Daily Trend is Up while 16355 holds, so expect the price to make Higher Highs. The Price is trading Above the Monthly , Weekly open and closed well Above Res Zone 1. The Price on the Hourly is has just brokeout the previous day’s high and expect the price to make higher highs, on the 5 min is creeping higher and the bulls are gaining strength during Asian session. The price should hold 16585-55 to maintain the bullish outlook. Conservative traders should look to be Sidelined or strictly trade only at Precise Traders Report levels. Aggressive traders look to do the same or LONG Cautiously near 16660-15 level with 16775-16815 as potential price targets.


USDJPY closed @ 9175 which was BELOW the open and was within prior day’s trading range. The High was PRECISELY at Precise Trader’s Res Zone 1 and the Low was 15 pips from Precise Trader’s Sup Tgt 1. The Hourly Oscillators are Bearish and the price is Below the MA, so the Bulls have to be sidelined. Hourly Trend is Sideways Down while 9265 holds and Daily Trend is also Sideways Down while 9365 holds, so expect the price to make Lower Lows but the Downside may be limited. The Price is trading Below Monthly, Weekly open and closed at the Sup Zone 1.The Hourly price is creeping lower and price target may be limited to 9000 level , on the 5 min is creeping lower and bears are gaining strength during Asian session but expect the 9110-9080 level to hold for some pull back. Conservative traders should look to be Sidelined or strictly trade only at Precise Traders Report levels. Aggressive traders should look to do the same or Cautiously LONG near 9025 if seen with 9085-9145 as potential price targets.