They say that breaking up is hard to do.

Well, not for this market it seems as we make new highs on ever decreasing volumes.  While I have been very skeptical of this rally, at some point you have to give in and go with the flow.  As I said at the end of yesterday’s post, “We still have a bearish short-term stance but we will continue to watch our technicals and play the hand that’s dealt” and that’s what we did as our 9:42 Alert to members contained 2 bullish was to cover our short plays with the TNA Apr $52/53 bull call spread at .45, which finished the day at .60 (up 33%) and the DIA Apr $106 calls at $1.08, which finished the day at $1.40 (up 29%) so not bad for scrambling for covers!

That’s how we can hold our bearish positions as the tide moves against us.  As our final upside resistance levels begin to break, it may be time to break up, and not just cover, our short positions.  BUT, not until next week, when we’ll know, we’ll know that it’s true and not just some pumped up reaction to this week’s $150Bn Jobs Bill, which is really a $150Bn debt bill with 1/2 the money going to benefits extensions and $25Bn just to offset rising Medicaid costs that our states can no longer afford.  That leaves $50Bn for actual jobs or enough to put 1M people back to work at $50,000 for one year if it is used with 100% efficiency.  

We have 25M unemployed, discouraged and underemployed workers and that’s a lot bigger of a hole than a $150Bn band-aid is likely to fill.  Still, we missed the last 250 points of the run-up and we’re committed to miss 50 more (10,700) but, come next week we’ll have to follow Mr. Cramer’s advice, as he said yesterday: “Don’t be so skeptical that you write off very big, very real trends,” Cramer said, “that I still think, even from these levels, could make you a lot of money.”  Let’s take a look at “these” levels then:

We’re still following the uptrending channel I drew on Tuesday’s S&P chart with the MACD line up 50% in 3 days of trading – a difficult trick to keep up.  Aside from the Jobs Bill, we’re getting a nice boost this morning from a “leak” that the supremely doveish Janet Yellen will be Obama’s pick for Vice Chairman of the Fed so yay for the markets but boy are we loving…
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