By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul,

Many have long predicted a time to run for cover would come, but the notion that the reason for selling your paper assets to move into plain ol’ cash, or better yet, physical gold and silver, would be triggered by a fear of becoming victim of fraud by the U.S. government is beyond newsworthy; it’s perverse.

The theft of Gerald Celente’s “six figures” futures account in the wake of the MF Global collapse has gone viral on the web within the financial community–and for very good reason, too. The Trends Research Institute founder and director Gerald Celente, a big advocate of gold, told King World News it is now definitely the time to close your futures accounts. Your money isn’t safe. Under the smiling facade of Uncle Sam, this psychopath has gone off the rails, ‘Bernie Maddoff’ style.

With plenty of cash in his account and the December delivery month approaching, Celente was less than 60 days from taking physical possession of two contracts worth of gold bullion when he got the news of the swindle.

“And I get this call that I have a margin call and I said, ‘What, are you out of your mind” Celente told King World News. “I have enough money to take possession.’ (A voice on the other end of the line said) ‘Well you don’t anymore, they’ve decided to put the money with a Trustee.’ They closed out a couple of my positions because I refused to send more money.”

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