Bill Gross, co-founder and co-CIO of PIMCO, is to my mind one of the shrewdest money men around. His monthly newsletter, this month entitled “On the “Course” to a New Normal”, therefore always makes for thought-provoking reading.

He concludes the newsletter as follows:

“The investment implications of this New Normal evolution cannot easily be modeled econometrically, quantitatively, or statistically. The applicable word in New Normal is, of course, “new.” The successful investor during this transition will be one with common sense and importantly the powers of intuition, observation, and the willingness to accept uncertain outcomes. As of now, Pimco observes that the highest probabilities favor the following strategic conclusions:

1. Global policy rates will remain low for extended periods of time.

2. The extent and duration of quantitative easing, term financing and fiscal stimulation efforts are keys to future investment returns across a multitude of asset categories, both domestically and globally.

3. Investors should continue to anticipate and, if necessary, shake hands with government policies, utilizing leverage and/or guarantees to their benefit.

4. Asia and Asian-connected economies (Australia, Brazil) will dominate future global growth.

5. The dollar is vulnerable on a long-term basis.”

Click here for the full article.

Source: Bill Gross, PIMCO – Investment Outlook, September 2009.

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