5.1 – 2009
Christmas is over, holiday is over, new year party is over – god damn, it´s hard to come back.
Looks alike IV / C / Complex ZigZag upwave started to progress as expected it to do for January. I have not much to add, everything is pretty much said allready on december – I do swing this month and as mentioned most bullish with Oil & Energy and I do have DIG calls and particularly smaller size stocks selection. I do avoid Dow components as January is generally best time for more smaller size stocks. Wherether you look between individual stocks you see plenty of IV bottom patterns which are ready to change cource.
Could take a week or two before I understand what´s has happened, since I am still completely out of blue after landing. Hopefully SPX will do a little more active participate during C upwave progress, last 2 months were indeed very passive one taking extreme deep retracements in every and each corner. I do keep SPX 1100 as fare target, then very ugly spring can come with V downside impulse.