Last week, Heli Electronics Corp. (OTC:HELI) started to fall down. On Friday, the stock lost 1% of its price, while its traded HELI_Chart.pngvolume jumped over 7.5 million shares.

Having started to move down, Heli Electronics tried to support its stock by promoting it twice on Friday. However, the downtrend continued.

Looks like despite the promotions investors are disappointed by HELI and sell their shares intensively.

HELI_logo.pngAlong with the stock fall, the company filed its latest financial report. According to it, the results have been highly improved as compared to the year before. However, when compared to the previous quarter, revenues and net income have decreased. Still, Heli stated they were completely satisfied with the recent results and expected “greater financial success for the company and its shareholders”.[BANNER]

Though, it seems that the optimistic projections weren’t enough to push up the stock and it kept moving down.

Heli Electronics is a marketing, distribution, logistics and service company of electronics and electrical appliances in the People’s Republic of China. Apart from its financial report, the corporation has not published any news about its operations since end-August, besides the appointment of Mr. Chai as an independent director of the company in September.

Historical records show that Heli Electronics has been regularly promoted throughout the whole August, but the stock couldn’t reach its price peak from end-May this year.

Presently, the company relies on revenue projections and promotions to pump up its stock again, though, yet unsuccessful.