GoIP Global (GOIG) is trading fairly flat today, off its highs and lows currently. Based on yesterday’s article, my beliefs are still intact even though volume is unexpectedly low today. I’m interpreting that as the website run-up already took place but didn’t have much support. Shareholders just don’t seem that excited about the website launch as Verizon (VZ) still hasn’t announced they are ready (and nobody expects them to say they are ready until next week). For those that are worried VZ might be against approving the service, I’ll remind you that AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile have already approved the service. The biggest pressure on the stock, in my opinion, is that the service hasn’t launched yet so GOIG can start earning revenue from all their hard work. I don’t blame current and potential shareholders either, as the website is just a website for now until the service is launched next month. However, having the website fully functional now will help GOIG lay the groundwork for revenue the first day their service launches. While the website launch isn’t important for today’s stock price, it will surely be important when GOIG accrues a list of buyers on the first day of the service launch.
I also have not noticed any major media releases about the website so unless you are looking for the website, you probably haven’t noticed it is now live. I believe if we had a major media release on the website, we’d have seen much greater volume bringing the PPS much higher before taking a dip. With that being said, I anticipate a PR release in regards to the website from GOIG when they feel the time is right. That could be before the VZ news or they could just wait until next week when they anticipate VZ will be ready and do it all at once. That is the speculation part but could prove a strong catalyst soon as it makes good business sense for GOIG to do.
At current prices, I’m not afraid to buy more shares and increase my position size. I view GOIG as a speculative “stealth” stock meaning under the radar of most people. I heard about this stock from a little birdie of mine, not any major media outlets or commercials. So I’m very excited at the potential of this stock when it is no longer a stealth stock and it is well publicized. Make sure you pay attention this week and next as like I said before, it is a very news-driven stock at the moment and any news could send this stock skyrocketing or spinning downward. You know where I’m expecting it to go though. As Cramer would say and I agree with him this time, “No one has ever made a dime by panicking.” Don’t forget to tweet this, digg this, and link it to any forums you are apart of to share the wealth with others. Good luck out there.
Random News: How about that great call I made in Sirius XM (SIRI) last week that it will move past $1 soon? I took some off the table and will let the rest ride into earnings. Impac Mortgage (IMPM) is even up over $4 today after I sent out alerts saying I am buying in the mid $3’s. I’d like to see IMPM stay above $4 until they release earnings but will look to buy more if it dips back to the 3’s.
At the time of publication, Mike was Long GOIG, VZ, SIRI, and IMPM but positions can change at any time