International Business Machines Corp.
(IBM) recently announced plans to launch analytics solutions for federal, state and local government clients. An increasing amount of funds are being invested worldwide to develop systems such as utility grids, electronic medical records, improved transportation and food traceability. These enhanced systems require advanced analytics to support their functioning that ultimately improve the decision making abilities of the user.

To augment the functioning of its new business analytics services, IBM will gather experts from different fields such as social service, transportation, healthcare, public safety, customs, logistics, education and cyber security. We believe that the Business Analytics and Optimization services will help the public sector to analyze data, extract information and thereby make prudent business decisions. This will ultimately increase the efficiency of these organizations and help them serve citizens better.

IBM has worked with the US Social security Administration (SSA) and MedVirginia to develop an electronic records exchange system that will save time taken to process medical records. The company had previously developed a model for SSA that saved approximately $200 million in the last 10 years by reducing doctor review costs.

In the education sector, IBM is utilizing analytics to solve issues related to student progress and school effectiveness. This apart, the company is also working with the fire and police department to prevent crime and fire accidents.

We believe analytics is turning out to be a good revenue stream for IBM and governments of different countries will adopt this new technology to improve their efficiency. The company is focusing on this segment and will use its vast talent pool, experience and expertise to generate innovative products and solutions for its clients.

Read the full analyst report on “IBM”
Zacks Investment Research