I have alerted readers a number of times to my jet-setting in the Americas in April. Readers often unsubscribe when I travel and post less regularly. But not this time, boys and girls!

The site actually gained, wait for this, more than 900 (+9%) new subscribers since I left the sight of Table Mountain behind 11 days ago. This catapulted the subscriber base through the magic 10,000 level! So, not only stock markets and commodities are breaking out to new cycle highs; Investment Postcards is very much in a bull market of its own.

A few recent posts made a huge contribution to the site’s increased popularity, notably: US stock market returns – what is in store?, US bonds – the end of a 30-year bull market; Help Japan – sell the yen and Japanese equities – turning the corner?

Some interesting readership statistics pertaining to the period since February 2008 – when the revamped version of Investment Postcards was launched – are as follows.

  • Total number of page views: 2,062,668
  • Total number of unique visitors: 1,492,233
  • Sites linking in: 325
  • Total number of posts: 2,080
  • Number of countries where site is read: 206
  • Most popular countries: US (59%), Canada (11%), UK (5%), South Africa (4%) and Australia (3%)
  • Most popular cities: New York, London, Singapore, Sydney and San Francisco
  • Gender: 83% male, 17% female
  • Age groups: 57% 50+; 26% 35–49, 15% 18–34
  • Academic qualifications: 39% graduate school, 36% college, 25% no college
  • Income: 49% $100k+, 19% $60k–$99k, 23% $30k–$59k

Not in my wildest dreams would I have expected my daily ramblings to attract such a large number of followers, and especially not of such high quality. I am humbled by the experience and can only say THANK YOU!

Lastly, if you have family, friends and colleagues that may enjoy the Investment Postcards posts, please encourage them to also subscribe to the daily updates by clicking here or on “Subscribe to Updates – Email” in the top right-hand corner of the home page.

San Diego airport is approaching and I need to wrap up. But I will soon be in touch again, this time from the beautiful Lodge at Torrey Pines, La Jolla.

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