I recently taught a Professional Trader class where a student had a sudden realization while doing some trading in the classroom. The student had read about some very technical and intricate systems for trading the markets and was overwhelmed and confused. Fortunately, he decided to abandon those systems and keep an open mind while learning the Online Trading Academy core strategy.

During a live trading exercise in class, he exclaimed, “Can it really be this easy to make money in the markets? It is so simple!” The student was following the rule based strategy we teach in our courses and finding success. The best part of this strategy is that it is a simple, objective process that can be easily duplicated.

In a recent Extended Learning Track (XLT) session, we discussed the proper use of indicators in our trading. There are several inherent dangers in using those types of technical tools instead of simply focusing on price action.

Technical indicators mostly measure one of two things. They can measure strength of a… Continue Reading