KATX_price_chart_100111_1.jpgAt the beginning of the year, the favorite of many investors KAT Exploration, Inc. (PINK:KATX) stock inflamed passions again, fired by stock alerts and by a press release not inspired by any substantive recent developments.

Similar to the share price bouncing up at the end of December, yesterday KATX surged exactly 50% to close at $0.0495.

The volume traded exceeded the daily average for the company, a signal that KATX opened its rally for the new year.

The only difference was that in unison with the overall positive expectations for this years’ economic development the company’s shares succeeded to jump up to a higher level in a not yet confirmed upward trend.

All this happened thanks to many stock alerts suggesting investors to include the star KATX in their watch lists. At the end of last week, KATX stock was promoted by a few promoters. One of them will even not get compensated for the stock promotional campaign. Looks like the expectations are that the year of successful promoting will be repeated again.

4KATX_new.pngReleased on Friday by KAT Exploration, Inc. “waiting for the latest results from drill hole #2” on the company’s Rusty Ridge project was not able to impress investors and to rush the share price strongly up, since the drilling “update” on the drill hole #1 and the results expectations were announced by the company a few weeks ago.

Maybe some investors were inpatient to get the promised long time ago OTC traded BVIG stock and got again inspired by the company’s optimistic appeal for more patience when it talked about the young non-shell company Kat Gold Holdings Corp. and the upward direction of KATX stock.[BANNER]

Maybe others believed that having the OTC traded BVIG stock in the pocket, Mr. Stead is now eager and in a hurry to make another OTCQB traded company? That this takes time and money as known. And as it is also known, the PINK KATX was de-registered from the SEC far in 2009.

Since then and up to now investors took their decision to hold KATX stock based only on a few poor financial statements and some  inflaming investor passion press releases from the company. Looks like in such a shortage of information the best investment strategy about KATX stock still remains to hold and follow short positions.KATX_alert3.jpg