Weds brought a note from Dick Davis Digest which I will share with you because they quoted me:
Global Investing has beaten the market over the last five-, 10- and 15-year periods, according to Hulbert.
“I wanted to warn you all not to take too seriously the latest ominous chart pattern, named after the Blimp Hindenburg. Yes, it blew up and set back the cause of motorless flight for decades. But a Hindenburg is clearly not as disastrous as a Death Cross, the last chartist panic call two months ago, which was followed by a normal flat market since then. Neither chart pattern has a long-term convincing history. They are just used by bears to scare us off the stock market.”
Vivian Lewis, Global Investing,, 212-758-9480, 8/20/10
Today’s figures on unexpectedly higher manufacturing growth should further encourage Wall St. It is also celebrating the fact that Awful August is over. Non-EU member Sweden raised the Krone discount rate to 0.75%. Poland is also mumbling about possibly raising interest rates. It is benefiting from overspill from the astonishing growth in Germany.