In 25 years of trading I’ve made some mistakes. Over the weekend I got together with a few other geezer traders, all of whom have traded at least 15 years, to share trading stories and a have some self deprecating laughs. The one thing everyone agreed upon is that the trading milieu has changed dramatically over the past 2 years and that current market forces are more likely to catalyze a VIX above 25 than below for the near future.

Several novice traders also attended our little seance, no doubt hoping to pick up some nuggets of trading wisdom as we consulted the market Ouija board in an attempt to detect the elusive Holy Grail trading methodology. I’m afraid the newbies left without the easy path to trading riches that many of the pop-up ads that litter the Internet promise.  They did leave with a more sober and realistic perspective on their prospects as traders and in that vein I share the following archived posts for others contemplating trading as a livelihood:

  1. Becoming a Trader
  2. Becoming  Trader II
  3. Playing Well with Others

Related posts:

  1. SoCal Traders
  2. Occam’s Razor
  3. Appreciation Friday
  4. 12.10.08 – Characteristic Trend Day?