“Good news from bell Cisco, just reported a dramatic turn in orders. The number positive in the economy and our business. Wait a second. You know, that’s parts of that the mobile internet tsunami. And I talked endlessly about it. The widespread adoption of smart phones and other devices that let you access, that give you access to the web anywhere which I think is the biggest trend in tech since the rise of the internet itself or even the personal computer.

You know the stocks that are spearheading this move. Apple with the iphone. The wireless technology that makes it all possible. These aren’t the only way to play such a massive product cycle. We have the ONNN, the Broadcoms. We got tons of companies. You’ve got the ones behind the curtain and the plain old from Verizon to Comcast.”–

CNBC’s Mad Money 8/5/2009

Anyone who has watched Jim Cramer on Mad Money over the last year has probably heard his take on the mobile internet revolution. Cramer has been espousing the virtues of pretty much any company that is involved in this space because, as he puts it, this is the biggest trend in tech since the internet or even the PC! Both the internet and PC’s have completely changed the way do business and spend leisure time. The public’s adoption of the smart phone serves to prove his point, and once consumers have the a taste of the constant connectivity it is extremely difficult to do without it.

Mad-Money_8-5 This mobile internet revolution is having an impact on a lot of other industries as well. For example, personal computer manufacturers are increasingly turning to the smaller devices of netbooks, which are great for surfing the net and using web applications. Smart phone apps have also become a key platform for businesses and clearly there is more to apps than just games. Everyone from newspapers to banks to Major League Baseball has invested in getting in front of this revolution, often at no cost to the consumer. At Ockham, we have created an equity research app, with a much improved second version to be release in the coming weeks. It is the natural progression of technology to get smaller and faster, offering enhanced functionality to users. According to Cramer, this trend is just beginning and investing in companies that recognize the possibilities is a winning strategy.

The list of all stocks mentioned by Cramer on Mad Money check out our chart to the right, and visit our Mad Money recap page.

Mad Money: The Smart Phone Revolution Continues