Aside from the cherished and entertaining Faberisms deployed from time to time in his fight to preserve the truth in front of television audiences controlled by a media-based establishment propaganda machine, Marc Faber also demonstrates why he’s the go-to man for clarity and thoughtful insights in the midst of today’s Orwellian headache.

Speaking with FinancialSense Newshour’s (FSN) James Puplava on Wednesday, Faber, the editor and publisher of the Gloom Boom Doom Report discusses a range of topics, from geopolitics, to freedom and tyranny, to his concerns of people living in an age of central bank monetary cannons gone completely rogue. He also touched on one of his favorite asset classes, gold, and the third-rail subject of interest to every gold bug: government confiscation.

Note: James Puplava’s Web site is loaded with some of the most informative interviews from the brightest minds assembled on the Internet. See its audio archived interviews.

As far as how high the price of gold can go, it depends upon who has control of the printing presses, according to Faber. Right now, he said, the power hungry in Washington won’t let gold bugs down, as each sign of a lurking systemic collapse or stock market meltdown has been propped up by the Fed.

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