Watching AAPL’s stock it shows that Monday was just a pullback. I’m sure Indie Mac’s bank CFO’s suicide stirred up the market some. I suppose feeling guilty for receiving so much money, undeserved, can kill you (plus with all the other hate phone calls). Rest his soul.
I only have 4 more months to go for my 1 year of not trading. I feel I might have to push it back further just so I can get an increased amount of practice trading in before I actually start trading real money again. I think I may not even have money at that point to trade….so it can’t hurt me because missed money is better than lost money.
I can’t believe I’m heading to Louisville, KY to live. Wow.
I’m psyched about Apple (AAPL @ $120) earnings in June 09′ it will likely shoot the stock up if very good news.
Posted in trading stock options Tagged: aapl stock, Apple, life, louisville, suicide