Wholesale Inventories are expected today at 10:00 AM EST. Wholesale Inventories had increased by 0.6% in February to the $393.5 billion level and were down 7.4% from a year ago. Wholesale Sales had increased by 0.8% in February to $338.7 billion. Sales of durable goods were up by 0.2% and sales of nondurable goods were up 1.4% over the month. The Inventory/Sales ratio was at 1.16, lower than the 1.38 ratio in February of 2009.
Upcoming Releases
Wholesale Inventories (05/11 at 10:00 AM EST)
Trade Balance (05/12 at 8:30 AM EST)
Crude Inventories (05/12 at 10:30 AM EST)
Treasury Budget (05/12 at 2:00 PM EST)

Zacks Investment Research