Today’s tickers: MGM, ANF, JPM, XLP, XNPT, HANS & SIRI

MGM – MGM Mirage, Inc. – The Las Vegas Strip’s largest casino owner posted a wider-than-expected fourth-quarter loss of $0.25 per share, which underwhelmed analysts anticipating an average loss of just $0.14 a share. Mirage’s shares fell nearly 7% today to $10.85 following the earnings disappointment. One options investor, who does not expect MGM’s luck to change anytime soon, established a medium-term bearish trade on MGM to position for continued downward movement in the price of the underlying stock through June expiration. The trader purchased 2,000 puts at the now in-the-money June $11 strike for a premium of $1.68 apiece, and sold 2,000 puts at the lower June $8 strike for $0.52 each. The net cost of the debit put spread amounts to $1.16 per contract. Maximum available profits of $1.84 per contract accumulate for the pessimistic investor if the casino-operator’s share price slumps another 26.25% lower to $8.00 by expiration day.

ANF – Abercrombie & Fitch Co. – Short straddle plays initiated on clothing company, Abercrombie & Fitch, suggests investors expect ANF-shares to remain range-bound and anticipate lower volatility in the price of the underlying stock through March expiration. Shares of the teen and ‘tween haven for micro-mini jean skirts and pre-destroyed t-shirts rallied 1% to $35.72 today. However, straddle-sellers apparently foresee little movement for shares in either direction from the current value. Investors sold approximately 6,600 puts at the March $35 strike for an average premium of $1.44 apiece in combination with the sale of 6,600 calls at the same strike for $1.46 each. The average gross premium pocketed on the transaction amounts to $2.90 per contract. Traders retain the full premium received today if Abercrombie’s shares settle at $35.00 at expiration. Investors are vulnerable to losses, however, in the event that shares trade outside of the effective breakeven points. Losses accumulate should shares rally above the upper breakeven price of $37.90, or if the stock falls below the lower breakeven point at $32.10, ahead of expiration day in March.

JPM – JPMorgan Chase & Co. – A large-volume ratio call spread enacted on banking institution, JPMorgan Chase, indicates one big options player expects shares of the underlying stock to rally significantly by June expiration. The firm received an upgrade to ‘buy’ from ‘hold’ with a 12-month target share price of $49.00 at Sandler O’Neill today as JPM shares added 0.50% to stand at…
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