I did a webinar for eHow Money back in November.  I told my blogging story to a few hundred eHow writers. It was an enjoyable event and it lasted for about 30 to 45 minutes. The webinar includes screen shots and audio of me discussing my blogging experience. I discuss how I started blogging and how I grew my blog into a popular site.

My Ehow Webinar

Here is a summary of my webinar written from eHow Money.

“Mark shares his story about how he went from a career as a financial consultant to a career as a full-fledged professional personal finance writer. As he takes us through his unlikely journey, he’ll talk about the obstacles he faced (and how he overcame them) and the innovative methods he used to help brand himself in the financial world. His work has appeared in major media publications, including Forbes, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Daily News, Investopedia, and Google Finance.”

This is a useful webinar for anyone that is interested in growing their blog and building a more successful blog.

Here is a link to listen and watch my eHow webinar.

Photo by: sridgway

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