NEW YORK (AP) — NBCUniversal will launch an ad-supported streaming service in 2020, free for anyone who pays for a cable service.
The company joins an ever-growing list of streaming service players, including YouTube, AT&T, Hulu, Roku and Walmart’s Vudu, among others. On Thursday Amazon announced its own free ad-supported service called IMDB Freedive.
NBCUniversal’s service will draw on the company’s content library, original programming and outside content partners, but it didn’t disclose what shows or movies will be included. The service will be available to non pay-TV customers for a to-be-disclosed fee. An ad-free version will also be available for a fee.
Cable provider Comcast is NBCUniversal’s parent company. Content providers are hoping to capture ad dollars and data with streaming services, but as they proliferate many risk getting lost in the shuffle.