There have been a number of changes to the Buy Like Buffett site.

1. Check out the Popular Posts  tab. These are the most popular posts on investing, saving, debt management, credit, and the economy. There is also an Investment Calculator now on the site so that you can see how your money compounds. Both of these items are located on the Header Menu.

2. The following items have been added to the Buy Like Buffett Forum 

Buffett’s Portfolio

2010 Favorite Stock Picks Recap

Long Term Large Cap Stock Picks

Trading Ideas

Stop by and discuss your favorite investing idea, money management topic, or personal success story.

3. There is now a Financial Chat feature. Every Thursday at noon there will be a live chat on Buy Like Buffett. All you have to do is click the Financial Chat tab to join.

I will be adding giveaways to the Forum next. The first giveaway has already started and will be ending in December.