
By EconMatters

EconMatters had the pleasure of speaking at the 2012 Ontario Advocis School for the Financial Advisors Association of Canada on August 14, 2012. Chairman Mr. Dennis Yanke was kind enough to leave the topic at our complete discretion. We finally decided on the topic of energy, since oil and gas not only touches people’s lives everyday whenever you flip on the light or gas up at the gas station, but it is also something we frequently discuss here.

In this presentation, we give a high level comprehensive look at the unconventional energy in the U.S. and Canada, the impact from the shale drilling boom, constraints and challenges of the oil industry, and the near term outlook of the oil and gas market. Hope our readers will find the presentation at least interesting as well as informational.

[Note: The near-term price outlook in the presentation reflects only the current market fundamental supply and demand factors, and does not include a scenario of extreme geopolitical or weather events.]

North America Energy Landscape
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