President Obama’s inaugural speech was praised by some as inspirational and brilliant, but others viewed it as less remarkable. Be that as it may, today he commenced his presidency against the worst economic background in living memory. A great deal of hard work lies ahead in order to resurrect America from its economic morass (see RGE’s guest post “Obama’s honeymoon facing daunting tasks“). Let’s all, irrespective of political orientation, hope that he succeeds.

A tag cloud of Obama’s makes for interesting analysis. This is a way of visualizing word frequencies at a glance. Key words such as “nation” (x 15), “America” (x 9) and “generation” (x8) topped the list. Although “crisis” received four mentions, “economy” featured only three times. But, after all, this was an inaugural speech and not a review of the economy or turnaround blueprint. These matters will undoubtedly now dominate the President’s agenda. And I wish him well with this task.


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